
      eg: 12V 1A EU adapter

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          Publicly listed Stock Code: 891359

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            Main Content
          Delay resumption of work and shipments!
          Add time:2020-02-03    Click:56
          Dear valued customers,

          Our government announced it will delay resumption of work to 1 March 2020.
          Only office workers keep working from home.
          Your understanding and support will be highly appreciated.

          China is determinted and capable of winning the battle against the coronavirus. We all take it seriously and follow the government's instructions to contain the spread of the virus. The atmosphere around remains optimistic to some extent. The epidemic will be eventually acontrolled and killed. We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to the novel coronavirus. We'll keep tracking the status and try our best to expediate. 

          The delayed shipment is not just from us, but from the sub vendors, logistics, and all other related support systems.
          Sorry for the incoveniences caused and thanks for your patience.

          Office of Adiministration